As a privileged owner of TDB Britto Platinum Card, you are entitled to gain exclusive Concierge services, providing you with information, facilitation, and bookings for a wide array of premium services worldwide. No matter where you are in the world or what time it is, our Concierge team is here to assist you,
With over more than 500 services tailored for Platinum Card owners, some of the key offerings include:
Travel services:
Flight reservations and itineraries
Travel planning advice and assistance
Pre-trip information and guidance
Hotel reservations
Car rental and chauffeur services
Arrangements for formal meetings and events
Lost document assistance
Assistance in obtaining financial services
Information on rentals and specialized tours
Entertainment and Leisure services:
Restaurant recommendations and reservations
Health-related information and referrals
Various travel-related information
Access to theater, museum and entertainment services
Gift and flower delivery service
Information on golf courses and sports training facilities
Health services:
Health advice and information
Guidance on hospitals and doctors
Assistance with emergency medical transportation
Patient repatriation Services
Other services:
Rental of meeting venues and necessary equipment (computers, modems, telephones, assistants)
Translator and interpreter services
Souvenir service
Assistance in locating rare and scarce items
Facilitation of specialized research through expert connections
purchase assistance and guidance
WAYS TO GET CONCIERGE SERVICES: Register on the website
Toll-free phone numbers (click HERE for a list)
Using "Visa Concierge" application (iOS; Android)