Salary loan
- As a salaried customer, solve your financial needs easily
- You can get a loan through online banking without going to the branch
- If you meet the debt-to-income ratio criteria, you can get additional loans through online banking

Savings collateralized loan
- 24/7 access to loans through online banking
- You can borrow up to 90% of the balance of the term deposit
- No loan service fees

Easy loan
- You can quickly get a loan by pledging your real estate
- Flexible loan repayment terms
- You can get a loan without proof of income

Pension loan
- Send and resolve loan requests through online banking
- Possibility to get a loan with a low interest rate and a high amount
- No loan service fees

Pension overdraft
- Using the amount in excess of the current balance of the pension account
- Address your short-term financial needs
- You can meet all your financial needs with one account and one card

Consumer e-loan
- Solving loan requests online without going to the bank branch
- No down payment, get a low interest loan
- Your loan request is responded to by a system operating for 24/7

Green loan
- Promote environmentally friendly green consumption
- Favorable credit terms
- Possibility to borrow products and services of contracted organizations cooperating with TDB

- Using the amount in excess of the current account balance
- Solve your short-term financial problems
- Track your usage with online banking