While working and living in South Korea in long time, opening an account in Hana bank and send money to TDB accounts by using PayEasy service.
- Cheap
- Easy
- Fast
Single transfer limit | 10,000 USD |
Annual transfer limit | 50,000 USD |
How to send money from account in Hana bank, South Korea?
You can use following device in Mongolian language and sending money to Mongolia without go to Hana bank branches.
ATM (Hana bank)
Phone (mobile or telephone)
Internet bank
If you are in Mongolia
- You need to open an account at all branches of TDBank or if you have an account, you can use this account.
- We recommend that you sign up to TDB online service to quickly check and control your accounts.
- You can register up to 5 accounts to your PayEasy service.
- After opening a KEB Hana bank account in South Korea, your TDBank account will be registered to PayEasy service. (You can register to PayEasy service in Mongolia, if the employment contract is made prior to your departure.
If you are in South Korea
For registration: bring a passport to Hana bank, South Korea.
Branch name | Time | Contacted number |
All branches of Hana bank | Monday – Friday: 9:00 - 16:00 | 070-7609-7430 –Mongolian staff 010-9761-7430 - Mongolian staff |
Tundemun – Mongolian bank staff in Hana bank’s branch behind the Mongol town | Monday – Friday: 9:00 - 16:00 |