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TDB Custodian

We are one of the primary custodian banks in Mongolia, providing comprehensive custodial services compliant with international standards since 2014.


Security custody
Foreign and domestic securities
Verification of ownership rights 
Investment Fund Services
Maintaining records of unit rights
Calculating and monitoring net asset valuations
Monitoring the utilization of assets 
Settlement of securities
Free transfer of securities
Company activities 
Payment of dividends
Bond interest and principal payments
Representing shareholders’ at meetings
Implementation of share mergers, splits, and other rights .
Executing bond swaps and buyback offers
Other company activities
Reports and information 
Securities balance and transaction history
Information regarding company activities
Net asset valuation report
Market data


Strong matches
Connect in real-time with international centralized securities depositories to execute securities payments and custody.
Tax calculations, withholdings, exemptions, and certificates.
Validate payments and report discrepancies.
Provide clients with advice on the securities payment process and company operations.
Clients can view their securities balance, valuation, and statements via TDB Online.
Offer additional services and consultations tailored to client needs.


Tel : 11-312386