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Saving account

TDB is offering a Corporate Saving service to help you earn more by depositing your money into a bank account.


Corporate's term deposit

  • Receive interest income on deposited funds

  • It is possible to plan your finances

  • Interest is negotiable


Corporate certificate of Deposit

  • Eligible to be sold, transferred or gifted to others, 
  • To be able to get a concessional loan against certificate of deposit in MNT,
  •  The timedeposit interest amount will remain the same as agreed initially until the end of the period specified in the contract established,
  • Get interest income on your deposit account. 

Upfront Interest Business Deposit

  • You will receive the accumulated interest in advance every month, 
  • The interest rate specified in the deposit agreement will be maintained until the end of the tenor, 
  • You will be able to manage your money properly,
  • Would make it easier to plan your financial goals. 

Corporate Flexible Deposit

  • It is possible to spend 1 time per month without cancellation

  • Receive interest income on deposited funds

  • It is possible to plan your finances

  • The Bank strictly maintains the confidentiality of your funds


Corporate employee savings

An employee who receives his or her salary through a Trade and Development Bank, has an option to open savings account with the highest interest rate. In order to earn the highest interest rate, employees need to sign up for a monthly automatic transfer payment of 20,000 MNT out of their paycheck into their savings account which would increase their savings regularly.

Bankni batalgaa

Corporate Employee Savings

  • A savings account is opened under the name of each employee and the employer has the right to fully own the deposit. 
  • There are no limitations on income transactions in savings accounts, 
  • Upon maturity of the deposit account, the interest accrued from the contract date will be credited to the current account. 

Safe Deposit Box

  • Choose the box size and save what you like
  • Open access to the box as frequently as you wish during service hours
  • In addition to owning as many boxes as you wish, you can store your items for any length of time
  • You will have peace of mind without worrying about the integrity of your belongings
  • The stored items are completely protected from any external influences