TDB’s trading overview
TDB’s currency trading overview
- Our bank holds a leading position in the domestic currency trading market.
- Depending on the frequency and volume of the client's currency trades, it is possible to improve the trading rate beyond the quoted rates.
- We provide our clients with daily updates on international market information.
- We are trading the following 16 currencies in both cash and non-cash transactions.
US dollar | USD |
Euro | EUR |
British pound sterling | GBP |
Swiss franc | CHF |
Japanese yen | JPY |
Australian dollar | AUD |
Canadian dollar | CAD |
Russian ruble | RUB |
Chinese yuan | CNY |
South Korean won | KRW |
New Zealand dollar | NZD |
Hong Kong dollar | HKD |
Singapore dollar | SGD |
Swedish krona | SEK |
Turkish lira | TRY |
Thai baht | THB |
Indian Rupee | INR |
Terms and Conditions:
- The exchange rate can be negotiated by contacting the trading unit at 319708 or 319709.
- Clients can trade at the agreed rate both in-branch and online.
- To learn how to trade online, please click here.
- Individuals wishing to trade online must increase their internet banking transaction limit to over MNT 50 million.
- The minimum amount for negotiating the exchange rate is approximately equivalent to 10,000 USD.
TDB’s Precious metals trading introduction
- Our bank has been trading physical gold with corporate and individual clients since 2000.
- We provide our clients with daily updates on international market information.
- Physical gold trading is conducted on working days from 09:00 to 15:00 at the rates announced by the Bank of Mongolia.
- After 15:00, trading can be conducted at market rates.
- There are no fees for trading physical gold.
- The bank will store gold traded with TDB without any fees.
- Phone: 319708, 319709