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Online banking

Та банкны бүх үйлчилгээг орон зай, цаг хугацаанаас үл хамааран зайнаас авах боломж нээгдлээ.



Internet banking at TDB is one of the most affordable and easiest banking options available.
Imagine being able to access your accounts and make transfers online during 24 hours a day, 365 days an year. To do so, you only need a device with internet access.

By using our internet banking service you will be able to take advantage of the following services:



  Online*Online plusOnline premium**
1Daily transaction limit***-100,000,000 MNT500,000,000 MNT
(equal amount of other currency)(equal amount of other currency)
2One time transaction limit***-200,000,000 MNT500,000,000 MNT
(equal amount of other currency)(equal amount of other currency)


* By registering for the Online Service, the customer will only be able to view the account statement and will not be allowed to make transactions.

** You can increase the transaction limit according to your needs by contacting your nearest TDB branch.

*** TDB ONLINE transaction limit does not include transactions made through the "Between your accounts" menu.



  • Save time and money;

  • Open an account for yourself;

  • Get deposit collateral loan secured by savings;

  • Get a new PIN code for the card;

  • High security;

  • Get banking services from anywhere in the world connected to the Internet;

  • Create and use additional dual-control user rights 

  • Payroll and other package transactions;

  • Create a transaction model;

  • Pre-order payment;

  • Transaction information will be sent to your e-mail as soon as the transaction is successful.

  • Privacy:

  • We use a variety of security tools in our Internet banking services to protect our customers' money and information. These include:

    • Login password

    • Transaction password

    • One-time password

    • Thawte certificate

A one-time password is a one-time password that cannot be reused. Our bank uses the VASCO GO6 device and OTP security application used by world TOP banks such as ING, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank for internet banking services.


PackagesAnnual feeTransaction fee
1. OnlineNo feeThere is no fee for transactions through the "Between your accounts" menu. 100 MNT for transfers within the bank and between other bank accounts.
2. Online plus5,000 MNT
3. Online premium5,000 MNT



ХХБ-ны дурын салбарт доорх баримтыг бүрдүүлэн, хандана уу.

  • Онлайн банканд бүртгүүлэх хүсэлт бөглөх; (маягтыг банкны салбараас, эсвэл ЭНД дарж татаж авна уу)

  • Гарын үсэг зурах эрх бүхий этгээдүүдийг иргэний үнэмлэх эсвэл гадаад паспорт эх хувиараа, хуулбар байх тохиолдолд нотариатаар баталгаажуулсан байх;

  • Гэрээ байгуулах.

Байгууллагыг төлөөлж ТИДИБИ ОНЛАЙН үйлчилгээг ашиглах ажилтнуудын иргэний үнэмлэх эсвэл гадаад паспорт, тэдгээрийн хуулбар байх тохиолдолд нотариатаар баталгаажуулсан байх.