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Eco Car Loan

Loan condition

Loan terms

Eco car

Loan terms

  • Toyota and Lexus cars: Must be 13 years or less since the manufacturing date (vehicles with license plates or not).
  • Other brands: Must be 10 years or less since the manufacturing date (vehicles with license plates or not).

Interest rate


down payment-10%


liquefied gas

Loan limit

100.0 million ₮

Loan tenor


up to 48 months


up to 30 months

Minimum down payment


( 0% Down Payment may apply if you transfer your salary through TDB's account and provide residential or commercial real estate as collateral.)

Application fee

0.5% of the loan amount (up to 500,000₮) /commission charge/

  • Mongolian citizen who reached the age of 18.

  • The applicant shall have been working in an organization for at least 6 months.

  • Having engaged in stable business activities for at least 1 year.

  • Having no overdue or non-performing loans to banks and financial institutions.

Required document
  • Loan application form.

  • Notarized copy of Identification Card.

  • If you do not pay social insurance, provide the statement from the place of work (the statement shall be valid for 30 days) and the salary breakdown and statement of the salary account.

  • Salary account statement if salary is paid through other bank accounts.

  • In case you have a business income, provide a proof of income.

  • In the case of additional pledging of one's own assets, provide ownership certificate and other documents, permits, and references of the assets proposed to be pledged as loan collateral.

  • Payment invoice from the car seller; (a purchase agreement is acceptable).

  • Declaration of goods for customs border crossing.



Month Date Number of days Principal repaid Interest paid Total amount paid Loan balance