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Know Your Customer

Know Your Customer

The Bank is keen on running safe, secure, and compliant financial operations that have always been the bank's top priority The Bank believes that by performing effective customer due diligence and transaction monitoring, we are preventing and decreasing the risk of the financial system being misused in criminal activities, including money laundering and terrorist financing. Furthermore, we consider this our best contribution to reducing and preventing the customers and society from the possibility of money laundering and terrorist financing risks.

The movement of illicit proceeds threatens the stability of the country's financial market and can affect the accuracy of the financial reporting, all aspects of the country's reputation, and its ability to stand international.

As money laundering and terrorist financing are global issues, legalizing the actions is not sufficient to combat the above criminals. It is necessary to take measures to prevent the financial system from being exposed to money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

Stopping Financial crimes is not something one bank can do alone. It’s a challenge for our entire industry. That’s why we work with other banks, law enforcement and public and private parties to identify and combat threats. Effectiveness is improved by shared intelligence, collaboration and third-party partnerships.

What kind of information you need to provide to Bank?
Know your customer (KYC) is the first step towards a safe and compliant bank. It ensures we only do business with people and companies we have verified as being trustworthy.
This includes transaction monitoring and, besides carrying out sanction screening, customer due diligence checks, updating customer files, and collecting supporting documents from the customer related to their transaction and activity.


  • Citizen's ID card, or passport

  • Residence address, telephone number, email address

  • Information on employment and business, source of income

  • Certificate of Alien Registration /for foreign citizens/

  • Other required information

Legal entity:

  • State Registration Certificate

  • Company Charter, Articles of Incorporation

  • Shareholder and Executive management information

  • Certificate of Alien Registration, /if the signing person is a foreign citizen/

  • Ultimate Beneficial Owner, information on company's ownership structure

  • Purpose of relationship with the bank

  • Other required information the bank