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Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)

Sustainability plays a central role in development goals shared by countries around the world. By conducting our business environmentally and socially friendly, together we can avoid E&S risks and by doing so, create a sustainable business model. Through our Environmental and Social Responsibility policy, we aim to address issues such as responsible living of natural resources, restoring the nature, occupational health and safety, accessibility of financial services for all levels of society and better fulfilment of corporate social responsibility through our financing.

Globally, banks and financial institutions play important roles in achieving sustainability in the business world. Under the same principle as credit risk rating and mitigation, banks can assess their customers’ environmental and social risk, and protect their customers’ from E&S risks by partnering with them to help them fulfill their environmental and social responsibility.

Moreover, Trade and Development Bank will contribute to gender equality efforts by ensuring through gender mainstreaming, that the needs and interests, effective participation, and resultant benefits of women and men are equally prompted within the organization and its investment through gender-responsive assessment, consultation, design implementation, and monitoring and evaluation processes.



TDB is a committed bank to the elimination of all forms of inequality and discrimination and to promote gender sensitive banking services, thus approved its Gender Equality Policy in December of 2019, and re-established its Gender Committee in 2021. Within the framework of the “Gender Equality Policy”, Bank will contribute to gender equality by promoting gender sensitivity and gender mainstreaming across its operations, products and services. This policy is aligned with the principles of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, in particular with the SDG 5: Gender equality, Law on Promoting the Gender Equality, National Program on Gender Equality (2017- 2021), and Gender strategy for organizations and agencies under the authority of the Minister of Finance of Mongolia (2016-2024) respectively. The Gender Committee ensures the effective implementation of the Gender Equality policy within TDB. The Committee is responsible for preparing the annual implementation report, collecting gender disaggregated data, and conducting both qualitative and quantitative gender analysis of the departments and units within the organization.