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Oyu Tolgoi Supplier Loan

Partnering with Oyu Tolgoi LLC? Secure a loan today by using your supply contract as collateral. Apply now and unlock your business potential!

Loan condition

Terms and Conditions


Invoice Financing Loan

Invoice-Based Credit Rights

Loan amount

Up to 90% of invoice amount

Credit limit set based on the highest invoice amount completed within the past year 

Loan term

Up to 75 days 

24 months 






Loan interest /annual/

13.8% - 17.0%

9.6% - 12.0%

13.8% - 17.0%


Commitment fee: Annually 0.0%

Loan service fees

No fee


Oyu Tolgoi LLC invoice receivables


Terms and Conditions


Guaranteed Invoice Secured Loan

Secured Invoice Credit Rights

Loan amount

Up to 90% of invoice amount

Credit limit set based on the highest invoice amount completed within the past year 

Loan term

Up to 75 days 

24 months 






Loan interest /annual/

9.6% - 12%

Loan service fees

No fee


Oyu Tolgoi LLC invoice receivables


1. Legal Registration: Must be a legal entity registered in Mongolia.

2. Supplier Status: Must be a supplier of Oyu Tolgoi LLC.

3. Business Stability: At least 1 year of stable business operations and financial solvency.

4. Operating Permits: Must possess valid operating permits and licenses issued by relevant authorities, along with legal compliance documentation.

5. Credit History: No overdue or non-performing loans with banks or non-banking financial institutions.

6. Banking Relationship:

o Must have a current account with TDB.

o Must have an agreement to receive contract revenue through this account.

o Contracts and invoices with payment contractors must specify that account receivables are payable to the TDB account.

7. Additional Criteria: Must meet other requirements set by TDB.

Required document
  • Loan Application: Completed application form.
  • Business Information: Details on business activities.
  • Company Documentation:

    o Certificate of State Registration and Company Charter (original or notarized copy).

  • Board Resolution:

    o Resolution from the Shareholders' Meeting or Board of Directors authorizing borrowing and collateralizing the company’s assets.

  • Authorized Person Documentation:

    o Short resume and ID card of the authorized person (original or notarized copy).

  • Financial Records:

    o Financial statements and proofs of income and expenses for the past 3 years, reviewed by an audit company and relevant tax authorities.

  • Receivables Documentation:

    o Valid contract, purchase order receipt, invoice, or other evidence of receivables.

  • Additional Documents:

    o Any other documents required by the bank.