In order to make cash and non-cash transactions and to take advantage of other services offered by TDB, you need a current account.
To Apply:
Which documents to bring to apply for corporate current account?
Open a current account |
Free of charge |
Minimum balance requirement |
20,000 MNT |
Interest on daily balance of current account (annual) |
10 million MNT – up to 100 million MNT 1.2% 100 million MNT or above 2.0% |
Cash withdrawal from account |
300 MNT |
Cash deposit into account |
Free of charge |
100 MNT (Cash deposit to account of Tax, Social security and other Government institutions) | ||
300 MNT (Payment of car diagnostics and State stamp duty) | ||
Bill payments |
1000 MNT |
Each transaction |
Corporate expenditure checkbook |
4,000 MNT |
Maintenance fee for current account |
1,000 MNT(monthly) |
Automatically deducted from account |
Close a current account |
5,000 MNT |
*For customers who have built financially stable relationship with the bank, the interest rate charged on the current account can be increased up to 3.0% under permission of head of relevant department and unit.