/ Apr 17, 2017

Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia joins The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Mongolia

TDBM has received AmCham Mongolia Certificate of Membership on April 12th during the April Monthly Meeting. AmCham Mongolia is an independent membership-driven organization that seeks to build, strengthen, and protect business between the United States and Mongolia and to actively promote Mongolia as a destination for American investment. 


AmCham Mongolia is accredited by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as its official affiliate in Mongolia.  Based in Washington, DC, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the largest business federation in the world with over 3 million member companies. 



By the end of 2016 TDBM handled 61.8% of Mongolia’s total trade finance related transactions, moreover with AmCham Mongolia’s wide range of networking, including large scale international corporations and firms, TDBM will consistently strive to improve the quality and range of products and services to meet our customers. Therefore it is a great exposure of TDBM on the international financial market, attracting more investors and capital to the Mongolian economy.


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